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Install Katalon Studio

This article shows you how to install Katalon Studio on macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Before the installation, you need to verify whether your computer meets the system requirements to work with Katalon Studio. You can refer to this document for further details: Supported Environment.


  • A valid email to register a Katalon account.
  • An active Internet connection to download Katalon Studio.
  • Do a quick check on system requirements before using Katalon Studio. You can refer to this document here: Supported Environment.

On macOS

  1. Download the suitable Katalon Studio version and edition for your macOS system on Katalon download page.
  2. Double-click the downloaded .dmg file to proceed with the installation.
  3. Drag Katalon Studio to the Application folder when prompted.
  4. To start Katalon Studio, double-click the Katalon Studio application.
    Once started, the application should display the splash screen similar to the following screenshot:

On Windows

  1. Download the suitable Katalon Studio version and edition for your Windows system on Katalon download page.
  2. Extract the downloaded .zip file to C:\Users\<username> folder.
    • For Windows users, if you are extracting Katalon Studio outside of the C:\Users\<username> folder, make sure the current user has the Read/Write permission for Katalon Studio package or runs the software with administrator privileges.

  3. Double-click the katalon.exe file to start Katalon Studio.
    Ensure you are using the default font size (set to 100%) in both Katalon Studio and your current OS to avoid the name field not being displayed on some pop-up windows. To adjust the font size:
    • For Windows, you can refer to the Microsoft document here: Edit the font size.
    • For Katalon Studio: Go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts. Select Dialog Font and edit the font size.

On Linux

Before installing, make sure you set up the environment required for Katalon Studio.
Set up environment for Katalon Studio
  1. Install OpenJDK 17 (NOT Oracle JDK). Open your Terminal and type:
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre
    • If you update Katalon Studio from 8.x to 9.0.0, make sure to upgrade your OpenJDK to version 17.
    Once you finish the installation, your OpenJDK information is displayed when you execute java - version command.

    If you have multiple versions of OpenJDK installed on your Ubuntu and the correct version is not being used, use the alternatives command to switch between them:
    sudo update-alternatives --config java //then choose the openjdk-8-jre option
    Verify the version of the JDK again using java -version command.
    • After you have finished configuring the system, restart for your changes to take effect.

    You can find more information about the installation steps for other Linux distributions at the OpenJDK document: How to download and install prebuilt OpenJDK packages.
  2. Download the suitable Katalon Studio version and edition for your Linux system on Katalon download page.
  3. Use the -xf command to extract the tar.gz file, for example: $tar -xf Katalon_Studio_PE_Linux_64-8.5.5.tar.gz.
    In the extracted folder, you can find the Katalon Studio app.
  4. Open Katalon Studio by double-clicking on Katalon Studio, or run cd ./katalon in your Terminal.